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Now with data from Summer 2024.
Overall Classes in CSPH
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
CSPH 1000: Topics in Whole Life Wellbeing
CSPH 1001: Principles of Health and Wellbeing
CSPH 1101: Self, Society, and Environment: An Integral Systems Approach to Personal Wellbeing and Engagement
CSPH 1202: Music for Wellbeing in Times of Stress and Anxiety
CSPH 1203: Implications of Social Media on Mental Health
CSPH 3001: Introduction to Integrative Healing
CSPH 3101: Creating Ecosystems of Well-Being
CSPH 3201: Introduction to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
CSPH 3211: Living on Purpose: An Exploration of Self, Purpose, and Community
CSPH 3301: Food Choices: Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves
CSPH 4311: Foundations of Hatha Yoga: Alignment & Movement Principles
CSPH 4312: Hatha Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle, & Ethics
CSPH 4313: Hatha Yoga Teaching Principles & Methodology
CSPH 5000: Explorations in Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices
CSPH 5101: Introduction to Integrative Healing Practices
CSPH 5102: Personal Wellbeing: The Journey of Self-Care
CSPH 5111: Cultural Ways of Thinking about Health
CSPH 5115: Cultural Awareness, Knowledge and Health
CSPH 5118: Whole Person, Whole Community: The Reciprocity of Wellbeing
CSPH 5201: Spirituality and Resilience
CSPH 5212: Peacebuilding Through Mindfulness: Transformative Dialogue in the Global Community
CSPH 5215: Forgiveness and Healing: A Journey Toward Wholeness
CSPH 5225: Meditation: Integrating Body and Mind
CSPH 5226: Advanced Meditation: Body, Brain, Mind, and Universe
CSPH 5303: Pain Management and Evidence Based Complementary Health Approaches
CSPH 5305: Introduction to Integrative Mental Health
CSPH 5311: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine
CSPH 5313: Acupressure
CSPH 5315: Traditional Tibetan Medicine: Ethics, Spirituality, and Healing
CSPH 5317: Yoga: Ethics, Spirituality, and Healing
CSPH 5319: Yoga and Ayurveda in India
CSPH 5341: Overview of Indigenous Hawaiian Healing
CSPH 5343: Ayurveda Medicine: The Science of Self-healing
CSPH 5401: People, Plants, and Drugs: Introduction to Ethnopharmacology
CSPH 5421: Botanical Medicines in Integrative Healthcare
CSPH 5431: Functional Nutrition: An Expanded View of Nutrition, Chronic Disease, and Optimal Health
CSPH 5503: Aromatherapy Fundamentals
CSPH 5513: Living Well, Dying Well: Empowering Patient Communication at the End of Life
CSPH 5521: Therapeutic Landscapes
CSPH 5522: Therapeutic Horticulture
CSPH 5523: Applications in Therapeutic Horticulture
CSPH 5535: Reiki Healing
CSPH 5536: Advanced Reiki Healing: Level II
CSPH 5555: Introduction to Body and Movement-based Therapies
CSPH 5561: Overview of the Creative Arts in Health and Healing
CSPH 5601: Music, Health and Healing
CSPH 5631: Healing Imagery I
CSPH 5641: Animals in Health Care: The Healing Dimensions of Human/Animal Relationships
CSPH 5642: Nature Heals: An Introduction to Nature-Based Therapeutics
CSPH 5643: Horse as Teacher: Introduction to Equine-Assisted Services (EAS)
CSPH 5701: Health Coaching Fundamentals I
CSPH 5702: Health Coaching Fundamentals II
CSPH 5703: Advanced Health Coaching Practicum I
CSPH 5704: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Health & Wellbeing
CSPH 5706: Lifestyle Medicine
CSPH 5707: Coaching People with Clinical Conditions
CSPH 5708: Mind-Body Science and Trauma-Informed Mental Health
CSPH 5709: Health and Wellbeing Group Coaching
CSPH 5711: Optimal Healing Environments
CSPH 5713: Health Coaching for Health Professionals
CSPH 5714: Health Behavior Change Theory and Lifestyle Medicine
CSPH 5716: Health Coaching Practicum II
CSPH 5805: Wellbeing in the Workplace
CSPH 5806: Wellbeing and Resiliency for Health Professionals
CSPH 5807: Mindfulness in the Workplace: Pause, Practice, Perform
CSPH 5905: Food Matters: Cook Like Your Life Depends On It
CSPH 8191: Independent Study in Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Summer 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research