ENT1021: An Introduction to Forensic Entomology

3 Credits

What can maggots and beetles collected at a crime scene tell investigators about the body? Often, insect evidence collected at the scene of a crime can help experts make a variety of conclusions, such as time of death and whether or not the body has been moved from the original crime scene. In this seminar, students will explore how insect evidence can be used in various ways in the field of forensic science. This class will discuss the scientific approaches and techniques involved in forensic entomological analysis. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the different insects found in decomposing bodies, how insect development time can be affected by factors like the weather or body placement, and how insect evidence can be useful to both crime scene investigators and medical examiners.

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A- Average (3.735)Most Common: A (59%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

46 students
  • 4.95


  • 5.00


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  • 4.95


  • 5.00



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