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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in ENT
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
ENT 1001: How Insects Shape Society: Pollinators, Pests, and Policy
ENT 1004: The Insects
ENT 1005: Insect Biology with Lab
ENT 1021: An Introduction to Forensic Entomology
ENT 1902: Bugs in Bodies: Forensic Entomology
ENT 1903: Toxins, venoms, and drugs from bugs
ENT 1904: Life on a Thread: The World of Spiders
ENT 1906: Magnificent, Miniature Minds: From Dancing Honeybees to Cyborgs
ENT 1907: Insect Warriors
ENT 1909: Got Bees? Declines and Conservation of Honey bees and Native bees
ENT 2884: The Six-legged Conquerors: How insects have shaped human history
ENT 3021: Insect Biodiversity and Evolution
ENT 3025: Pesticides: Miracle Products or Technological Nightmares?
ENT 3211: Insect Pest Management
ENT 3275: Insect-transmitted diseases of humans
ENT 3341: Biological control of insect pests and weeds
ENT 4015: Ornamentals and Turf Entomolgy
ENT 4021: Honey Bees and Insect Societies
ENT 4251: Forest and Shade Tree Entomology
ENT 4361: Aquatic Insects
ENT 5011: Insect Structure and Function
ENT 5021: Insect Biodiversity and Evolution
ENT 5041: Insect Ecology
ENT 5051: Scientific Illustration of Insects
ENT 5126: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Ecological Data
ENT 5341: Biological Control of Insects and Weeds
ENT 5361: Aquatic Insects
ENT 5920: Special Lectures in Entomology
ENT 8777: Thesis Credits: Master's
ENT 8888: Thesis Credit: Doctoral
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research