Spiders are one of the Earth’s most diverse groups of animals — as well as one of the most feared. Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias among the general populace, with every spider from the largest tarantula to the smallest of sheet weavers at the receiving end. By taking a look into the world of spiders you will find that this fear is undeserved, and that these creatures are extraordinarily fascinating! This course covers basic aspects of spider biology and explores their place in the web of life. We will investigate the evolutionary relationships between spiders, insects, and other arachnids, identification of common spider families, anatomy, silk and web adaptations, and the ecological roles spiders play in the natural world. We will also take a look at interactions between spiders and people: medically important species and misinformation, their impact on pop culture, products derived from spiders, and the controversial tarantula pet trade.