ENT3025: Pesticides: Miracle Products or Technological Nightmares?

3 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilOnline Available

The world has been in conflict long before human society evolved, as some organisms develop chemical defensive measures to create growing space or avoid becoming prey. As tool users, humans begin to use variety of chemicals for their own benefit, resulting in pesticides to protect to crops, human health, and items of value. However, with the development of pesticides, problems begin to “crop-up”, be it environmental or human health. Over the years, problems encountered with pesticide use and the continued development of pesticides has resulted in a complex mixture of environmental activism, legislation, pesticide science and product development, and societal worry. There are hundreds of reasons for using pesticides and there are hundreds of reasons for not using pesticides. Following historical development of pesticides and the drivers of such development, not to mention the problems created, students can begin to understand pesticides as a complex technological and environmental issue that has implications for future societal sustainability as the human population exceeds 8 billion people. No required prerequisites.

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