FREN1003: Intermediate French I

5 Credits

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue dans le troisième semestre de français. In this course, you'll continue learning to communicate in the French-speaking world while exploring cultural conceptions of urban and rural environments, the connections between multilingualism and multiculturalism, what it means to promote linguistic pride, and what social causes are important in French-speaking cultures and your own. Intermediate French I (French 1003) is designed for students who have successfully completed FREN 1002 (grade of C- or better) or have been placed in 1003 through the Entrance Proficiency Test (EPT). Through this course, you will continue to expand your ability to interact in a multilingual, multicultural world by developing your identity as an effective multilingual communicator, a cross-cultural navigator, a critical and analytical thinker, and a life-long learner. You will build these skills by interacting in French with your peers in class and engaging with texts created by and for French speakers. To conclude each unit, you'll use your French skills in a project that simulates a real-world task. Throughout your learning journey, you'll continually reflect on your successes, challenges, and progress. Upon successful completion of this course (grade of C- or better), you will be prepared to continue this journey in French 1004.

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B+ Average (3.215)Most Common: A (23%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

1994 students
  • 4.16


  • 4.05


  • 4.31


  • 3.90


  • 4.12



Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research

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