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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in FREN
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
FREN 1001: Beginning French I
FREN 1002: Beginning French II
FREN 1003: Intermediate French I
FREN 1004: Intermediate French II
FREN 1022: Accelerated Beginning French
FREN 1501: Gateways to French and Francophone Studies: English Only
FREN 1502: Gateways to French and Francophone Studies: Bilingual
FREN 3014: French Phonetics
FREN 3015: Advanced French Grammar and Communication
FREN 3016: Advanced French Composition and Communication
FREN 3017W: Advanced Writing in French: Genre, Style, Rhetoric
FREN 3018: French Oral Communication
FREN 3022: The Language and Culture of Business in France
FREN 3101W: Methods in French and Francophone Studies
FREN 3172: The Court Society: Literature, Culture, Spectacle
FREN 3240: Topics in Ancien Regime Literature
FREN 3333: The Idea of Paris: Writing and Viewing the City
FREN 3345: The Holocaust in France: Literature, History, Testimony
FREN 3350: Topics in Literature
FREN 3410: Topics in Quebecois Literature
FREN 3431: Gender and Sexuality in Francophone Literature and Cinema
FREN 3451: North African Cinema
FREN 3471: Topics in Francophone African Literature and Cultures
FREN 3500: Linguistic Analysis of French
FREN 3521: History of the French Language
FREN 3531: Sociolinguistics of French
FREN 3541: Oral Discourse of French
FREN 3611: Speaking of Love in Medieval France: Stories, Songs, and Letters
FREN 3614: Disabled Bodies, Minds and Selves in French Literature, Culture and Art
FREN 3632: Revolution and Human Rights: The French Revolution and its Legacy
FREN 3650: Topics in French/Francophone Cultures
FREN 3661: Francophone North America
FREN 3711: Speaking of Love in Medieval France: Stories, Songs, and Letters
FREN 3750: Topics in French or Francophone Literature and Culture
FREN 3850: Topics in French and Francophone Media
FREN 3852: Memory in French and Francophone Cinema
FREN 5350: Topics in Literature and Culture
FREN 8888: Thesis Credit: Doctoral
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Feature Engineering
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research