FREN3016: Advanced French Composition and Communication

3 Credits

Taught entirely in French. In this class, you will continue the work you began in FREN 3015, keeping your eyes on the goal of advanced proficiency. You will continue to focus on grammar in context, reading challenging texts in the original language. You will write short compositions that include various genres: a summary of an online article of your own choosing, an argumentative essay, and a film or literary analysis. You will perfect your use of the correction software Antidote as you move toward advanced proficiency in writing. In class, you will participate in group work to boost your oral comprehension skills and in writing workshops to boost your writing skills. Listening activities include several films, a song, and videos related to readings. Written exercises include translation, grammar, and vocabulary building. This course explores identity in the French and Francophone world through the themes of youth, travel, immigration, and colonisation. Literary readings include excerpts from the 18th century (Voltaire and Louis Sébastien Mercier), the 20th century (Ying Chen and Driss Chraïbi), and the 21st century (Tahar Ben Jelloun, Abdellah Taïa, and Mina Oualdlhadj). Newspaper articles include the sociologist Edgar Morin (published in Le Monde) and the columnist Réda Allali (published in the Moroccan newspaper Tel Quel). But French 3016 adds new genres of writing as well. We will read selections from crime novels (René Frégni and Michel de Roy), a graphic novel (Marjane Satrapi), and science-fiction (Pierre Boulle). This course is a good stepping-stone for an advanced course in French and Francophone film as we read about and view samples of Algerian, Canadian, and French films. Prerequisite: FREN 3015.

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B+ Average (3.465)Most Common: A (41%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

342 students
  • 4.02


  • 4.15


  • 4.22


  • 3.95


  • 4.26



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