GWSS8111: Transnational Feminist Theories

3 Credits

This course takes a transnational feminist approach to studies of gender, sexuality, and feminist theories, methods, & praxis in order to highlight linkages and relations of power between sociocultural, political, economic, and affective structures that construct gender and sexuality in different locations acorss geopolitical contexts. By interrogating naturalized categories such as “women,” “feminism,” and “queer,” students learn to think beyond the binaries of “Third world/ First world,” “West/East,” “native/diasporic,” “citizen/non-citizen,” “U.S./transnational,” and “North/South.” The course gives the students the necessary background in transnational feminist theories and methods and helps them develop relational and decolonial approaches that highlight temporal and spatial connectivities between past and present discourses and practices of settler colonialism, slavery, colonialism, nationalism, racism, imperialism, global capitalism, and neoliberalism.

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All Instructors

A Average (4.000)Most Common: A (92%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

13 students
  • 4.86


  • 4.71


  • 5.00


  • 4.86


  • 4.86



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