Overall Classes in GWSS
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
GWSS 1001: Gender, Power, and Everyday Life
GWSS 1002: Politics of Sex
GWSS 1003W: Women Write the World
GWSS 1004: Screening Sex: Visual and Popular Culture
GWSS 1005: Engaging Justice
GWSS 1006: Skin, Sex, and Genes
GWSS 1007: Introduction to GLBT Studies
GWSS 1911: Black Looks: Race, Gender and Representation
GWSS 1913: Ending Sexual Violence at the University of Minnesota
GWSS 1915: Trauma and the White Racial Frame: Disrupting Whiteness and White Body Supremacy in Everyday Life
GWSS 3002V: Honors: Gender, Race and Class in the U.S.
GWSS 3002W: Gender, Race, and Class in the U.S.
GWSS 3003: Gender and Global Politics
GWSS 3102V: Honors: Feminist Thought and Theory
GWSS 3102W: Feminist Thought and Theory
GWSS 3203W: Blood, Bodies and Science
GWSS 3208: Transgender Health
GWSS 3215: Bodies That Matter: Feminist Approaches to Disability Studies
GWSS 3218: Politics of Reproduction
GWSS 3301W: Women Writers
GWSS 3302: Women and the Arts
GWSS 3303W: Writing Differences: Literature by U.S. Women of Color
GWSS 3305: Queer Cinema
GWSS 3306: Pop Culture Women
GWSS 3307: Feminist Film Studies
GWSS 3402: Pleasure, Intimacy and Violence
GWSS 3404: Transnational Sexualities
GWSS 3406: Gender, Labor, and Politics
GWSS 3406H: Honors: Gender, Work, Labor
GWSS 3409W: Asian American Women's Cultural Production
GWSS 3415: Feminist Perspectives on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
GWSS 3490: Topics in Political Economy and Global Studies
GWSS 3501: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Social Movements in the United States
GWSS 3502: Transgender Studies Now
GWSS 3503: Women and the Law
GWSS 3505W: Girls, Girlhood, and Resistance
GWSS 3590: Topics: Social Change, Activism, Law, and Policy Studies
GWSS 3626W: Witches, Seers and Saints: Women, Gender and Religion in the US
GWSS 3681: Gender and the Family in the Islamic World
GWSS 4001: Nations, Empires, Feminisms
GWSS 4002: Politics of Engagement and Social Justice
GWSS 4003: Science, Bodies, Technologies
GWSS 4103: Transnational Feminist Theories
GWSS 4107: Feminist Methods
GWSS 4108: Senior Capstone: Writing
GWSS 4401: Chicana/Latina Cultural Studies
GWSS 4403: Queering Theory
GWSS 4406: Black Feminist Thought in the American and African Diasporas
GWSS 4415: Transnational Body Politics
GWSS 4590: Topics: Social Change, Activism, Law, and Policy Studies
GWSS 4980: Directed Instruction
GWSS 8107: Feminist Pedagogies
GWSS 8108: Genealogies of Feminist Theory
GWSS 8109: Feminist Knowledge Production
GWSS 8111: Transnational Feminist Theories
GWSS 8250: Seminar: Nation, State, and Citizenship
GWSS 8260: Seminar: Race, Representation and Resistance
GWSS 8490: Seminar: Transnational, Postcolonial, Diaspora
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research