HRIR5222: Creating and Managing Diversity and Inclusion

2 Credits

This course covers the challenges and rewards associated with managing today’s increasingly diverse workforce. Diversity has the potential to benefit employees and organizations alike, yet the benefits of diversity are only realized in organizations with effective diversity management practices. In this course, we will discuss the power of inclusion as it relates to the employee experience. We will study effective strategies for building diverse and inclusive companies, and will address the barriers that can often exist. We will look at approaches to organizational design that limit unconscious bias and produce more objective decisions across the employee experience—from engaging and hiring candidates to retaining employees and helping them thrive. Finally, we will dive into how to create inclusive cultures and a sense of belonging, across local and global contexts. Student engagement and willingness to share diverse perspectives are critical to the success of this course. prereq: HRIR MA student must register A-F, 3021, [CSOM or HRD junior or senior or dept consent]

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