LAW6803: Risk and Compliance: Theory and Practice

2 Credits

This course will offer an introduction to the theory and practice of corporate risk and compliance. This course will not focus on the regulations or on criminal prosecution. Rather, we will focus on the governance, processes and behavioral controls that permit an organization to not just manage but, more importantly, optimize risk. We will answer: What constitutes a good risk management program? What is an effective compliance program? What is a risk-based approach to compliance? How do these formal programs provide corporate controls? We will study the still maturing definitions and indices of a good risk management program - the ability to identify, evaluate and manage risk to maximize the objectives of the company. We will use corporate case studies to understand the Office of Inspector General’s seven elements of an effective compliance program - governance, policies, education, reporting, monitoring, enforcement, and response.

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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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    Backend/Data Lead

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    Feature Engineering

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