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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in LAW
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
LAW 3000: Introduction to American Law and Legal Reasoning
LAW 3050: Law of Business Organizations
LAW 3064: Law, Business, and Human Rights
LAW 5001: Introduction to the American Legal System
LAW 5025: Patent Law In Practice
LAW 5026: Intellectual Property In Practice
LAW 5061: Financial Regulation
LAW 5062: Energy Law
LAW 5075: Ethics for Patent Agents
LAW 5211: Federal Securities Regulation
LAW 5214: Insurance Law
LAW 5224: Patents
LAW 5231: Patent Prosecution Practice I
LAW 5243: Patent Research and Writing
LAW 5250: Patent Portfolio Management
LAW 5290: Patent Law Capstone: Innovation
LAW 5608: Trademarks
LAW 5707: Intellectual Property Transactions
LAW 5836: Trade Secret Law
LAW 6001: Contracts
LAW 6003: Legal Research & Writing
LAW 6004: Property
LAW 6005: Torts
LAW 6006: Civil Procedure
LAW 6007: Constitutional Law: Federalism and Separation of Powers
LAW 6009: Criminal Law
LAW 6011: International Law: 1L
LAW 6015: Civil Procedure II: 1L
LAW 6016: Essentials of Business for Lawyers: 1L
LAW 6018: Legislation and Regulation: 1L
LAW 6020: LL.M. Introduction to American Law
LAW 6021: LL.M. Legal Writing and Legal Skills I
LAW 6023: LL.M. Contract Drafting
LAW 6025: Wrongful Convictions
LAW 6027: Law of the Sea
LAW 6028: LL.M. Judicial Observation
LAW 6030: Contemporary Problems in Freedom of Speech and Press
LAW 6031: Twin Cities Regional Planning in the National Context
LAW 6034: Women's Legal History
LAW 6036: Reproductive Rights & Justice
LAW 6039: U.S. Supreme Court and Great Cases that have Shaped the Nation
LAW 6041: Investment Management Law
LAW 6046: Human Trafficking
LAW 6049: Advanced LLCs and Partnerships
LAW 6051: Business Associations/Corporations
LAW 6053: Analytical Methods for Lawyers: An Introduction
LAW 6054: Corporate Finance
LAW 6055: Advanced Corporate Law
LAW 6057: Judicial Externship
LAW 6061: Financial Regulation
LAW 6062: Energy Law
LAW 6063: Law and Neuroscience
LAW 6066: Saeks Public Interest Residency
LAW 6071: International Law
LAW 6075: Civil Procedure II
LAW 6076: Essentials of Business for Lawyers
LAW 6078: Legislation and Regulation
LAW 6081: Constitutional Law: 14th Amendment
LAW 6082: Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties Survey
LAW 6083: First Amendment
LAW 6084: Equal Protection: Race and the Civil Rights Acts
LAW 6085: Criminal Procedure: Investigation
LAW 6100: Basic Federal Income Tax
LAW 6102: Mergers and Acquisitions
LAW 6103: Data Privacy Law
LAW 6106: Federal Tax Procedure
LAW 6107: Bankruptcy: Power, Process and Procedure
LAW 6109: Creditors Remedies/Secured Transactions
LAW 6113: Construction Law
LAW 6114: Partnership Taxation
LAW 6115: Civil Litigation: Case Development and Discovery Practice
LAW 6120: Federal and State Courts
LAW 6126: Water Law
LAW 6151: Estate Planning
LAW 6152: Federal Jurisdiction
LAW 6153: Wills and Trusts
LAW 6159: Education Law and Policy
LAW 6200: Remedies
LAW 6201: Land Use Planning
LAW 6203: Labor Law
LAW 6207: Antitrust
LAW 6208: Local Government Law
LAW 6211: Federal Securities Regulation
LAW 6213: Real Estate Transactions
LAW 6214: Insurance Law
LAW 6215: Environmental Law
LAW 6216: European Union Law
LAW 6217: Securities Litigation
LAW 6219: Evidence
LAW 6220: Poverty Law: Housing and Government Benefits Law
LAW 6223: Poverty Law: Benefits Due Process, Public Housing, Domestic Violence & Homelessness
LAW 6224: Patents
LAW 6225: Winning Patent Litigation
LAW 6226: Juvenile Justice
LAW 6227: Products Liability
LAW 6229: Criminal Procedure: Adjudication
LAW 6230: Advanced Torts
LAW 6231: Patent Prosecution Practice I
LAW 6232: Patent Prosecution Practice II
LAW 6233: Education Law and Policy
LAW 6234: Public Lands and Natural Resources
LAW 6236: Indian Law
LAW 6241: Patent Remedies
LAW 6244: Employee Benefits
LAW 6245: Interviewing, Counseling, and Negotiating
LAW 6247: Depositions
LAW 6249: Courtroom Evidence Practice
LAW 6250: Patent Portfolio Management
LAW 6402: Food, Drug, and Device Law
LAW 6413: Family Law Capstone
LAW 6601: International Business Transactions
LAW 6602: Food Law
LAW 6603: Intellectual Property Survey
LAW 6604: Family Law
LAW 6605: Health Law
LAW 6606: Administrative Law
LAW 6608: Trademarks
LAW 6609: International Intellectual Property
LAW 6610: Unfair Competition
LAW 6611: International Criminal Law
LAW 6613: Copyright
LAW 6614: History of the American Legal Profession and Legal Education
LAW 6615: Jurisprudence
LAW 6617: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Workplace
LAW 6618: Trial Practice
LAW 6619: International Trade
LAW 6621: Rights in Conflict: Citizenship and Human Rights
LAW 6623: Integrative Leadership: Leading Across Sectors to Address Grand Challenges
LAW 6625: Disability Law
LAW 6626: Complex and Cross-Cultural Negotiations
LAW 6627: International Tax
LAW 6628: Advanced Trial Practice
LAW 6629: Indian Law
LAW 6631: Employment Discrimination
LAW 6632: Employment Law
LAW 6636: European Human Rights Law
LAW 6637: Business and Human Rights
LAW 6638: Cybersecurity Law and Policy
LAW 6641: Global Health and Human Rights
LAW 6642: Consumer Protection Law
LAW 6644: Law & Economics
LAW 6645: Gender Theory and the Law
LAW 6648: International Criminal Law
LAW 6650: Advanced Administrative Law
LAW 6651: Special Topics in Administrative Law
LAW 6661: Professional Responsibility - General
LAW 6662: Professional Responsibility - Business
LAW 6663: Professional Responsibility - Civil Trial Lawyer
LAW 6664: Professional Responsibility - Criminal Law Ethics
LAW 6665: Professional Responsibility - Government
LAW 6667: Professional Responsibility - Legal Malpractice
LAW 6702: Legal History Workshop
LAW 6703: U.S. Trade Sanctions and Export Controls Law
LAW 6706: American Legal History
LAW 6707: Intellectual Property Transactions
LAW 6709: Agriculture and the Environment
LAW 6710: Federalism, the Intersection of Law and History
LAW 6714: E-Discovery
LAW 6716: Magna Carta and the Evolution of Anglo-American Law
LAW 6718: Immigration and Criminal Law: Immigration Consequences of Crimes and Criminalizing Migration
LAW 6719: Immigration Reforms through History: An Ongoing Racial Narrative
LAW 6721: Business Reorganization in Bankruptcy
LAW 6801: Death Penalty
LAW 6803: Risk and Compliance: Theory and Practice
LAW 6804: Government Secrecy
LAW 6805: Risk and Compliance: Corporate - Legal and Practical Foundations
LAW 6807: Cooperatives and Collective Entrepreneurship: Law, Policy and Practice
LAW 6808: Street Law
LAW 6810: Overturning Criminal Convictions: Post-conviction Relief Policy, Law, and Practice
LAW 6813: Social Science Evidence
LAW 6814: Racketeering and the RICO Act: Criminal & Civil Liability
LAW 6816: State Constitutional Law
LAW 6817: Practical Estate Planning
LAW 6818: White Collar/Corporate Crime
LAW 6821: Public Interest Advocacy and State Attorney General
LAW 6822: Legislative Process
LAW 6825: Labor & Antitrust in the Gig Economy and Beyond
LAW 6826: Work and the Constitution
LAW 6827: Women's International Human Rights
LAW 6830: Corporate Counsel
LAW 6831: Law, Race, and Social Psychology
LAW 6832: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity
LAW 6833: Alternative Dispute Resolution
LAW 6834: Federal Habeas Corpus
LAW 6835: Comparative Perspectives
LAW 6836: Trade Secret Law
LAW 6837: Contract Drafting
LAW 6839: Supreme Court
LAW 6840: Mediation
LAW 6841: Use and Abuse of Presidential Power
LAW 6843: Financial Crises and Scandals and How to Minimize Them
LAW 6844: Advanced Real Estate Transactions
LAW 6845: Employment and Family-Based Immigration Law
LAW 6846: Philosophy of Punishment
LAW 6847: U.S.-China Trade War
LAW 6848: Appellate Advocacy
LAW 6851: Practice-Ready Legal Research
LAW 6853: Law, Biomedicine and Bioethics
LAW 6854: Regulation of the Medical Device Industry
LAW 6856: Behavioral Law and Economics
LAW 6857: Corporate Tax
LAW 6858: Principles of Corporate Governance: The Role and Responsibilities of the Corporate Board
LAW 6859: Conflict Resolution
LAW 6862: LGBTQ Rights Law
LAW 6863: Law & Economics: Public Law
LAW 6865: Workers' Compensation: Litigation and Administrative Law Merged
LAW 6866: Sex Discrimination
LAW 6867: Practice-Ready International Legal Research
LAW 6868: Sentencing Advocacy
LAW 6869: Critical Race Theory
LAW 6871: Visual Advocacy
LAW 6872: Immigration Law: Asylum, Removal, and "Crimmigration"
LAW 6873: Nonprofit Law
LAW 6874: Originalism
LAW 6875: Latinx and the Law
LAW 6876: Digital Evidence
LAW 6877: Fintech: Law, Economics, and Criminology of Evolving Finance
LAW 6879: Poverty and Human Rights
LAW 6880: Campaign Finance and Election Law
LAW 6881: Comparative Laws
LAW 6882: Negotiation: Government Relations and the Legislative Process
LAW 6885: Advanced Environmental Law
LAW 6886: International Human Rights Law
LAW 6887: Law of International Organizations
LAW 6889: Laws of War
LAW 6890: Rule by Law in China: An Advanced Seminar
LAW 6891: Second Amendment and the Law of Firearms
LAW 6893: Transitional Justice
LAW 6896: Artificial Intelligence and the Law
LAW 6897: Game Theory
LAW 6898: International Bankruptcy
LAW 6901: Energy and Utility Law
LAW 6902: Cannabis Law and Policy: Past, Present, and Future
LAW 6906: Public Law Workshop
LAW 6907: Congress, the President, and the Constitution
LAW 6908: Criminal Justice: Behind the Robe and Beyond
LAW 6909: Abolition and the Carceral State
LAW 6911: International Commercial Arbitration
LAW 6912: Law Firm Practice and Management
LAW 6914: Constitutional Conflicts: Reproductive Rights and Beyond
LAW 6915: Race and the Law: Systems, Structures, and Solutions
LAW 6918: Rule of Law
LAW 6921: International Refugee and Asylum Law
LAW 6923: Federal Reserve System - Legal and Policy Perspectives
LAW 6927: Comparative Financial Regulation
LAW 6928: Cooperative Lawyering and Problem Solving Courts: Lawyers as Peacemakers
LAW 6948: Sports Concussions and the Law: Neuroscience and Liability
LAW 6949: Biotechnology & Patent Law
LAW 6959: Coding for Lawyers
LAW 6960: Judicial Writing
LAW 7003: Legal Research & Writing Instructor
LAW 7004: Structured Study Group Instructors
LAW 7005: Senior Legal Research & Writing Instructor
LAW 7018: Intercollegiate Trial Team
LAW 7035: Environmental Law Moot Court
LAW 7055: Civil Rights/Civil Liberties Moot Court
LAW 7056: Civil Rights/Civil Liberties Moot Court Directors
LAW 7065: National Moot Court
LAW 7075: International Moot Court
LAW 7079: LL.M. International Moot Court Competition Team
LAW 7085: Intellectual Property Moot Court
LAW 7105: Indian Law Moot Court
LAW 7200: Law and Inequality Journal Editor
LAW 7608: Independent Research and Writing
LAW 7609: Independent Field Placement
LAW 7623: Public Interest Field Placement
LAW 7628: Judicial Field Placement
LAW 7675: CL: Child Advocacy and Juvenile Justice
LAW 7700: Off-Campus Legal Studies
LAW 7860: CL: Business Law & Entrepreneurship
LAW 7950: CL: Tax
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research