LAW 6896: Law and Artificial Intelligence

2 Credits

Increasingly the world, and even the law, is being run by self-learning algorithms, autonomous robots, and other technologies that have replaced tasks historically performed by human beings. Brain-machine interface is also on the rise, creating real-life cyborgs. This seminar will explore the many legal implications of this rise in algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), robots, and brain-machine interface. Through assigned readings, weekly discussion, and engagement with local experts in AI, robotics, and neural engineering, students will explore the many promises and perils of AI. The course will include modules on: how AI is transforming legal practice in areas such as e-discovery; labor market impact of AI; the possibility of non-human adjudication of cases; use of AI to understand legal language; whether robots should have rights; legal and ethical dimensions of brain-machine interface; transhumanism; regulation of self-driving cars and drones; governance of autonomous weapons systems; and how law should address the rise of predictive analytics in determining liability.

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A- Average (3.802)Most Common: A (78%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

32 students
  • 4.92


  • 4.83


  • 4.92



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