MUS5150: Body Awareness in Activity: The Alexander Technique for Musicians

2 Credits

The Alexander Technique is a century-old technique used by musicians and others as a means of solving performance problems. Its principles address how the daily habits in the use of the self (such as sitting, standing, folding/bending, and walking) affect seemingly disparate problems such as stage fright, musculoskeletal pain, playing induced injuries, and computer use injuries. For musicians, the interplay of unconscious habits and the body mechanics of daily use of the self strongly affect tone production and technique. The Alexander Technique provides tools to enhance fundamental coordination leading to greater performance ease and a reduction of chronic aches and pains. More information can be found at:

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A Average (3.924)Most Common: A (84%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

100 students
  • 4.82


  • 4.37


  • 4.85


  • 4.79


  • 4.79



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