POL1913: Human Rights, Inhumane Wrongs: Rights Violations and Armed Conflict

3 CreditsFreshman SeminarIntellectual Community

The Declaration of Human Rights, UN Protocols and Conventions, and the Geneva Conventions were created to protect and respect human dignity in times of war and beyond. Has this been the case in practice? This seminar is designed to introduce students to international mechanisms for the protection of human rights and how they have been both respected and ignored in contexts of armed conflict. We will explore cases from across the globe, from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the former Yugoslavia. Of special concern is how the human rights of women and children, have been violated during periods of violent conflict. Students will also explore how mass human rights violations perpetrated during these periods can be addressed and redressed, through a variety of transitional justice mechanisms, including international criminal tribunals, reparations, and traditional healing and cleansing practices. We will draw on a variety of sources, including films, documentaries, and other media. We will also benefit from guest speakers and a local human rights oriented fieldtrip.

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B+ Average (3.259)Most Common: A- (26%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

19 students
  • 4.79


  • 4.89


  • 4.84



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