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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in POL
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
POL 1001: American Democracy in a Changing World
POL 1019: Indigenous Peoples in Global Perspective
POL 1025: Global Politics
POL 1025H: Honors: Global Politics
POL 1026: U.S. Foreign Policy
POL 1054: Politics Around the World
POL 1201: Political Ideas
POL 1911: Dictatorship and Violence in Central Asia and Afghanistan
POL 1913: Human Rights, Inhumane Wrongs: Rights Violations and Armed Conflict
POL 1914: Generation Now: Young Adult Political Action in America
POL 1915: Contemporary Civil Wars
POL 1916: The Politics of Trade and Money
POL 1921: Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development in East Asia
POL 3065: Political Engagement Careers: Planning and Preparing For Your Future
POL 3070: Distinguished Undergraduate Research Internship
POL 3080: Internship in Politics or Government
POL 3085: Quantitative Analysis in Political Science
POL 3085H: Honors Course: Quantitative Analysis in Political Science
POL 3108H: Honors Tutorial: Thesis Preparation and Political Science Inquiry
POL 3210: Topics in Political Theory
POL 3225: American Political Thought
POL 3235W: Democracy and Citizenship
POL 3251W: Power, Virtue, and Vice: Ancient and Early Modern Political Theory
POL 3252W: Revolution, Democracy, and Empire: Modern Political Thought
POL 3265: Ideas and Protest in French Postwar Thought
POL 3272: Colonial Encounters
POL 3282: Black Political Thought: Conceptions of Freedom
POL 3306: Presidential Leadership and American Democracy
POL 3308: Congressional Politics and Institutions
POL 3309: U.S. Supreme Court Decision-Making, Process, and Politics
POL 3310: Topics in American Politics
POL 3310H: Topics in American Politics
POL 3311: Law and Justice: The View From Hollywood
POL 3317: Food Politics: Actors, Arenas, and Agendas
POL 3319: Education and the American Dream
POL 3321: Issues in American Public Policy
POL 3323: Political Tolerance in the United States
POL 3325: U.S. Campaigns and Elections
POL 3329: The Balance of Power: Federalism & Community in the United States
POL 3409: Introduction to Authoritarian Politics
POL 3410: Topics in Comparative Politics
POL 3423: Politics of Disruption: Violence and Its Alternatives
POL 3431: Politics of India
POL 3451W: Politics and Society in the New Europe
POL 3462: The Politics of Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the United States, South Africa and Cuba
POL 3464: The Politics of Economic Inequality
POL 3474: Russian Politics: From Soviet Empire to Post-Soviet State
POL 3475: Islamist Politics
POL 3476: Chinese Politics: History and Contemporary Issues
POL 3477: Political Economy of Development
POL 3478W: Contemporary Politics in Africa and the Colonial Legacy
POL 3479: Latin American Politics
POL 3489W: Citizens, Consumers, and Corporations
POL 3733: From Suffragettes to Senators: Gender, Politics & Policy in the U.S.
POL 3739: Politics of Race, Class, and Ethnicity
POL 3752: Chicana/o Politics
POL 3766: Political Psychology of Mass Behavior
POL 3767: Political Psychology of Elite Behavior
POL 3769: Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
POL 3786: Media and Politics
POL 3796: Media and Politics
POL 3810: Topics in International Relations and Foreign Policy
POL 3833: The United States and the Global Economy
POL 3835: International Relations
POL 3841: The Consequences of War
POL 3843W: Night Raids, Detention, Torture, and Drones: Methods of War
POL 3879: Critical Humanitarianism: Policy and Politics
POL 3994: Directed Research: Distinguished Undergraduate Research Program
POL 4085: Advanced Political Data Analysis
POL 4087: Thinking Strategically About Politics
POL 4210: Topics in Political Theory
POL 4255: Comparative Real Time Political Analysis: Marxist versus Liberal Perspectives
POL 4267: Imperialism and Modern Political Thought
POL 4275: Domination, Exclusion, and Justice: Contemporary Political Thought
POL 4310: Topics in American Politics
POL 4315W: State Governments: Laboratories of Democracy
POL 4317: Becoming Stupid: Anti-Science in American Politics
POL 4335: African American Politics
POL 4403W: Constitutions, Democracy, and Rights: Comparative Perspectives
POL 4410: Topics in Comparative Politics
POL 4461W: European Government and Politics
POL 4463: The Cuban Revolution Through the Words of Cuban Revolutionaries
POL 4465: Democracy and Dictatorship in Southeast Asia
POL 4474W: Russian Politics: From Soviet Empire to Post-Soviet State
POL 4478W: Contemporary Politics in Africa and the Colonial Legacy
POL 4481: Comparative Political Economy: Governments and Markets
POL 4485: Human Rights Policy: Issues and Actors
POL 4487: Democracy and the Class Struggle from Athens to the Present
POL 4492: Law and (In)Justice in Latin America
POL 4495: Politics of Family, Sex, and Children
POL 4497: Patronage & Corruption
POL 4497W: Patronage & Corruption
POL 4501W: The Supreme Court and Constitutional Interpretation
POL 4502W: The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights
POL 4737: American Political Parties
POL 4737W: American Political Parties
POL 4771: Race and Politics in America: Making Sense of Racial Attitudes in the United States
POL 4773W: Advocacy Organizations, Social Movements, and the Politics of Identity
POL 4810: Topics in International Politics and Foreign Policy
POL 4845: The Laws of War in International Politics
POL 4881: The Politics of International Law and Global Governance
POL 4881W: The Politics of International Law and Global Governance
POL 4885W: International Conflict and Security
POL 4887: Thinking Strategically in International Politics
POL 4891: The Politics of Nuclear Weapons
POL 4900H: Honors Thesis
POL 4910: Topics in Political Science
POL 4970: Individual Reading and Research
POL 4991: Political Science Capstone
POL 4993: Honors Thesis: Directed Studies
POL 4994: Directed Research: Individual
POL 8120: Core Course in Political Methodology: Modeling Political Processes
POL 8401: International Relations
POL 8402: International Security
POL 8403: International Norms and Institutions
POL 8444: FTE: Doctoral
POL 8601: Introduction to Comparative Politics
POL 8621: Comparative and Case Study Methods
POL 8660: Topics in Comparative Politics
POL 8888: Thesis Credit: Doctoral
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research