POL1054: Politics Around the World

3 CreditsComm, Lang, Lit, & PhilosophyGlobal PerspectivesOral Communication & LanguagesSocial Sciences

This course is an introduction to the study of politics in different countries around the world. It focuses on domestic politics within countries, as opposed to a course in international relations, which focuses on relations between countries. Some of the questions we tackle include: Why are some countries prone to violent conflict while others remain peaceful? Why do some countries grow rich while others remain poor? Why does democracy emerge in some countries, while dictators hold onto power elsewhere? How do attitudes about gender and sexuality influence politics? Do particular religions, or the strength of religious faith, strengthen or weaken democracy? The readings and assignments help you make sense of the complexity of world politics - to sift through and distill the avalanche of information available and learn how to develop your own arguments about pertinent global issues. Upon completion of this course you will be able to understand and provide examples of 1) the difference between strong and weak states; 2) the distinctions between democratic and non-democratic forms of government; 3) the various ways democracies are governed; 4) arguments explaining the origin of democracy and the persistence of non-democracy; 5) the significance of different forms of political identity such as ethnicity, religion, and gender; 6) why some countries are rich while others remain poor; and 7) why some countries tax and spend more than others. Assignments seek to develop your skills at developing arguments through logic and evidence and to give you the ability to distinguish between a persuasive argument about politics and simply stating an opinion.

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B+ Average (3.233)Most Common: A- (27%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

936 students
  • 4.04


  • 3.81


  • 4.34


  • 3.99


  • 4.04



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