POL3065: Political Engagement Careers: Planning and Preparing For Your Future

3 CreditsBiological SciencesCivic Life and Ethics

Are you interested in pursuing a career in public service? Do you plan to run for office in the future, or work in a government agency (such as the State Department or the FBI or the MN DNR), or become a professional campaign manager or lobbyist, or work as an issue activist on a cause important to you? Would you like to learn more about the variety of public service careers open to a college graduate? Do you wonder what motivates people to pursue careers in politics, public administration, and community service, and how these motivations vary across career fields? Would you like to explore some options for future internship or service learning while at the University? Then this course is for you!This course is the Political Science Department's introduction to careers in political and civic engagement. Through readings focused on theories about and case studies of political engagement, and on the ethics of politics and public service, numerous guest speakers with extensive experience as public service professionals, and a discussion-oriented class format, we will explore the meaning of public service and the main types of public service careers that you could pursue. We will think about the virtues and challenges associated with doing public service work, and how these differ across different types of jobs and venues for serving the public. Finally, you will acquire practical knowledge and skills related to the search for public service work opportunities, including how to write a resume and cover letter, how to conduct an informational interview, networking, and the job search and application process. Intended primarily for first- and second-year undergraduates, but open to students of any major at any point in their undergraduate program.

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A- Average (3.687)Most Common: A (62%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

224 students
  • 4.57


  • 4.77


  • 4.47


  • 4.28


  • 4.58



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