SPAN3019W: Composition and Communication for Spanish Speakers of the U.S

4 CreditsIntellectual CommunityWriting Intensive

Students in this course will further develop the main linguistic skills taught in the foundational SPAN 1001-1004 sequence, modified appropriately for students born and/or raised in the US and who speak/spoke Spanish in the home. Instruction will target the linguistic forms and rhetorical organization necessary for the genres of narration, exposition, and comparison-contrast while exploring cultural texts. Through guided activities, students will identify their linguistic and communicative strengths and weaknesses and also steps that they can take to advance in their language development. This course may be used as a substitute for SPAN 3015W or SPAN 3011W, but cannot be used for both. prereq: Instructor consent (recommended SPAN 1004 Pass or SPAN LPE Pass)

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