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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in SPAN
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
SPAN 1001: Beginning Spanish
SPAN 1002: Beginning Spanish
SPAN 1003: Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 1004: Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 1014: Business Spanish
SPAN 1022: Alternate Second-Semester Spanish
SPAN 1044: Intermediate Medical Spanish
SPAN 3011W: Spanish Grammar and Composition Workshop
SPAN 3015V: Honors: Spanish Composition and Communication
SPAN 3015W: Spanish Composition and Communication
SPAN 3019W: Composition and Communication for Spanish Speakers of the U.S
SPAN 3022: Advanced Business Spanish
SPAN 3034: Advanced Business Spanish
SPAN 3044: Advanced Medical Spanish
SPAN 3104W: Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literatures
SPAN 3105V: Honors: Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Cultures
SPAN 3105W: Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Cultures
SPAN 3107W: Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 3211: Interpreting Imperial Spain, 1492-1800
SPAN 3221: Interpreting Colonial Latin America: Empire and Early Modernity
SPAN 3222: Interpreting Modern and Contemporary Latin America
SPAN 3301: Advanced Oral Proficiency Workshop
SPAN 3401: Latino Immigration and Community Engagement
SPAN 3403: Latino Immigration on US/Mexican Border
SPAN 3404: Medical Spanish and Community Health Learning
SPAN 3502: Modern Spain
SPAN 3503: Pre-modern Spanish Culture and Thought
SPAN 3510: Issues in Hispanic Cultures
SPAN 3512: Modern Latin America
SPAN 3603: Jews and Muslims in Medieval Iberia
SPAN 3606: Human Rights Issues in the Americas
SPAN 3612: Don Quijote and the Novel
SPAN 3701: Structure of Spanish: Phonology and Phonetics
SPAN 3702: Structure of Spanish: Morphology and Syntax
SPAN 3703: Origins and History of Spanish and Portuguese
SPAN 3704: Sociolinguistics of the Spanish-Speaking World
SPAN 3706: Spanish Applied Linguistics
SPAN 3707: Linguistic Accuracy Through Translation
SPAN 3708: Spanish in the United States
SPAN 3730: Topics in Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 3800: Film Studies in Spanish
SPAN 3807: Medical Humanities and Latin American Film: Narratives of Health, Illness & Trauma
SPAN 3910: Topics in Spanish Peninsular Literature
SPAN 3920: Topics in Spanish-American Literature
SPAN 3972W: Capstone Seminar
SPAN 5150: Contemporary Spanish Literature
SPAN 5180: Don Quixote
SPAN 5550: Caribbean Literature: An Integral Approach
SPAN 5718: Spanish Language Contact
SPAN 8888: Thesis Credit: Doctoral
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Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research