SPAN3972W: Capstone Seminar

3 CreditsIntellectual CommunityWriting Intensive

Completion of a research paper on cultural, literary, or artistic issue in Spanish or Portuguese speaking worlds or on a topic related to Hispanic linguistics. In-depth research/consultation with instructor. SPAN 3972W needs to be taken during the semester in which student completes major course work. prereq: Spanish Studies Major (for those who declared before Fall 2018): C- or better in SPAN 3015w, 3104w, 3105w, 3107w and 3 SPAN electives with a critical analysis prerequisite. Spanish Studies major (for those who declare Fall 2018 and after): C- or better in Span 3015w, 2 Span 31xx courses, and 4 electives with a Critical Analysis prerequisite. Spanish/Portuguese Studies Majors (for those who declared before Spring 2022): C- or better in SPAN 3015w, PORT 3003, SPAN 3104w, 3107w, 1 PORT 35xx class, 2 upper level SPAN or PORT electives. Spanish/Portuguese Studies Majors (for those who declared Spring 2022 and after): C- or better in SPAN 3015W, PORT 3003, SPAN 3104W or 3105W & 3107W, 1 PORT elective, 2 additional upper level Spanish or Portuguese electives.

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