SPAN3034: Advanced Business Spanish

4 Credits

Spanish 3034 is an advanced course intended for both business majors and those interested in the business world. This course is intended to advance your knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world and the Spanish language in general through the specific context of business and culture. This class examines specific fields of business(Marketing, Finance, Imports/Exports, etc), current events in the Spanish-speaking world, and cultural issues pertinent to doing business in the Spanish-speaking world or with Spanish speakers. Business practices and texts will be examined from both cultural and linguistic perspectives. In Spanish 3034 you will learn about business forms of communication and practice the formal style necessary for business specific writing. Via a semester-long project, you will have a chance to develop a final project related to your own professional interests. prereq: A C- or better in SPAN 3015W or SPAN 3015V or SPAN 3019W or TLDO 3231 or ECDR 3015W or ARGN 3015W

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