SPAN3701: Structure of Spanish: Phonology and Phonetics

3 Credits

This course aims to provide you with an understanding of the basic concepts of phonetics and phonology and to teach you to apply these concepts to Spanish. The course will be both conceptual and practical. The practical component will involve using the concepts learned in class to improve your own pronunciation of Spanish. You will acquire skills in recognizing, producing, transcribing and describing in linguistic terms the sounds of Spanish and in understanding and analyzing the Spanish sound system. Consideration will also be given to the Spanish orthographical system as it relates to the sound system, variation in Spanish pronunciation among native speakers, and the challenges of a second language learner in acquiring the phonology of their second language. prereq: A grade of C- or better in SPAN 3104W or SPAN 3104V or TLDO 3104W or ARGN 3104W or SPAN 3105W or SPAN 3105V or TLDO 3105W or SPAN 3107W or SPAN 3107V or TLDO 3107W.

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