SPAN3512: Modern Latin America

3 Credits

Span 3512, conducted entirely in Spanish, will consider some of the relations between daily life and symbolic production in modern Latin America. We will begin by exploring the emergence of ways of naming and mapping the hemisphere: where/what is Latin America? What is the history of cultures and the movement of peoples that have given rise to what we imagine as Latin America today? What do we mean by such names as America, Hispanic, Latino, etc.? What is the relation between Latin America and Latino? What are different ways to explore cultural manifestations and products? Using film, documentaries, production of soap operas, the web, and other resources, we will go on to examine a series of topics from a historical perspective, including education, modernity, modernization, and identity formation. Prereq: A grade of C- or better in SPAN 3104W or SPAN 3104V or TLDO 3104W or ARGN 3104W or SPAN 3105W or SPAN 3105V or TLDO 3105W or SPAN 3107W or SPAN 3107V or TLDO 3107W

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A- Average (3.681)Most Common: A (54%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

480 students
  • 3.92


  • 4.09


  • 4.38


  • 4.17


  • 4.00



  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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