SPAN3702: Structure of Spanish: Morphology and Syntax

3 Credits

This course is an introduction to the morphology and syntax of Spanish as a written language. The goal of the course is to improve written Spanish by understanding morphological and syntactic notions and developing the ability to syntactically analyze words and sentences. Consequently, much of the course work will be devoted to practice syntactic analysis of Spanish sentences taken from literary texts. We will first work with morphological analysis. Then we will proceed with syntactic analysis. We will start with the simple sentence. Then we will study morphological notions such as noun, adjective, and verb. After that we will tackle the analysis of complex constructions such as coordinate clauses and subordinate clauses. Prereq: A grade of C- or better in SPAN 3104W or SPAN 3104V or TLDO 3104W or ARGN 3104W or SPAN 3105W or SPAN 3105V or TLDO 3105W or SPAN 3107W or SPAN 3107V or TLDO 3107W.

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