Medical Spanish and Community Health Learning is an advanced language and culture course that trains Spanish Studies majors and minors to communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking patients in a healthcare setting. The course includes a service-learning component where students work with community healthcare partners who serve the growing Chicano/Latino population in Minnesota. The course seeks to provide students interested in healthcare professions with a better understanding of the health disparities faced by Latino migrant communities in the United States. SPAN 3404 covers various topics such as challenges and opportunities in achieving equitable health access and preventive medicine in underserved populations, the role of social determinants of health in community healthcare, understanding culture-bound syndromes, comprehensive medical terminology, and basic medical interpretation. It's important to note that while some students may observe medical provider-patient interactions, they are not allowed to be involved in direct patient health care. prereq: SPAN 3015W with grade of at least C- or better and instructor permission. Recommended one additional upper division Spanish class.
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