SPAN3920: Topics in Spanish-American Literature

3 CreditsArts/HumanitiesComm, Lang, Lit, & PhilosophyTopics Course

This course focuses on a wide gamut of intellectual, literary, and artistic movements in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries across eras. Engaging with the most up-to-date trends of critical and methodological tools in cultural, literary, and philosophical analysis, students will examine a variety of issues in conversation with the political and social conditions that have influenced shifts in art, cultural, and intellectual praxis among different groups of peoples, writers, and artists across disciplines and continents. Topics vary and are specified in the class schedule. prereq: A grade of C- or better in SPAN 3104W or SPAN 3104V or TLDO 3104W or ARGN 3104W or SPAN 3105W or SPAN 3105V or TLDO 3105W or SPAN 3107W or TLDO 3107W.

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