TH3330: Physical Approaches to Acting

3 Credits

This course will empower students to create and evaluate theater by providing them with tools to identify and develop compelling and dynamic performance qualities, dramatic intention, and physical metaphor along with a vocabulary to articulate their observations and experience. Students will be trained comprehensively by exploring and strengthening the vital connection between physical and vocal expression. In a demanding, yet supportive atmosphere, this course will foster ensemble awareness as well as improvisational and play development skills. Technique, theory, structured improvisation, and collaborative/solo performance projects will give each student the opportunity to assimilate important principles into their working process. Through this rigorous course, students will broaden their expressive range and garner the skills that allow them to create meaningful original theater productions that place the actor at the center of the creative process as well as interpret written plays and work of others.

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  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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