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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in COMM
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
COMM 1101: Introduction to Public Speaking
COMM 1101H: Honors: Introduction to Public Speaking
COMM 1313W: Analysis of Argument
COMM 1911: Introduction to Crisis Communication
COMM 1913: Religious Arguments
COMM 1914: Food, Media, and Culture
COMM 1915: Selfies: Media and the Culture of Me
COMM 1916: Reproductive Justice
COMM 1918: Analysis of the Intersection of Communication and Sport
COMM 1919: Communication & Migration
COMM 1921: True Crime Media
COMM 3110: Topics in Communication Studies
COMM 3201: Introduction to Electronic Media Production
COMM 3202: Audio Production and Podcast Storytelling
COMM 3204: Advanced Electronic Media Production
COMM 3211: Introduction to Media Studies
COMM 3231: Reality TV: History, Culture, and Economics
COMM 3263W: Media Literacy: Decoding Media Images and Messages
COMM 3341: Asian American Images
COMM 3351: Asian Americans and Popular Culture
COMM 3401: Introduction to Communication Theory
COMM 3402: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
COMM 3405: Language and Gender
COMM 3409: Nonverbal Communication
COMM 3411: Small Group and Team Communication
COMM 3422: Interviewing and Communication
COMM 3431: Persuasion Theories
COMM 3441: Introduction to Organizational Communication
COMM 3451W: Intercultural Communication: Theory and Practice
COMM 3601: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory
COMM 3605W: Persuasive Speaking and Speech Writing
COMM 3614: Advanced Public Policy and Debate
COMM 3615: Argumentation
COMM 3615W: Argumentation
COMM 3625: Communication Ethics
COMM 3625W: Communication Ethics
COMM 3631: Freedom of Speech
COMM 3635W: Famous Speeches
COMM 3645W: How Pictures Persuade
COMM 3676W: Communicating Terrorism
COMM 3681W: Rhetorical Fictions and 20th Century Conflicts
COMM 3682W: Communicating War
COMM 3896: Internship for Academic Credit
COMM 3970: Directed Study
COMM 3990: Research Practicum
COMM 3995W: Major Project
COMM 3999W: Capstone Project
COMM 4204: Producing for Television: Theory and Practice
COMM 4221: Communication and Popular Music
COMM 4235: Electronic Media and Ethnic Minorities--A World View
COMM 4250: Environmental Communication
COMM 4251: Environmental Communication
COMM 4263: Feminist Media Studies
COMM 4291: New Telecommunication Media
COMM 4404W: Language Borderlands
COMM 4407: Communication and Conflict
COMM 4461: Prosocial Communication and Health
COMM 4471: Communication in Marriage and Family
COMM 4602W: Contemporary Political Persuasion
COMM 4616: African American Civil Rights Rhetoric
COMM 4621W: Rhetoric of Feminism
COMM 5110: Special Topics in Communication Theory
COMM 5211: Critical Media Studies: Theory and Methods
COMM 5221: Media, Race, and Identity
COMM 5231: Media Outlaws
COMM 5261: Political Economy of Media Culture
COMM 5402: Advanced Interpersonal Communication
COMM 5411: Small Group Communication Research
COMM 5431: The Process of Persuasion
COMM 5441: Communication in Human Organizations
COMM 5451W: Intercultural Communication Processes
COMM 5611: Survey of Rhetorical Theory
COMM 5617: History and Criticism of U.S. Public Discourse: 1630-1865
COMM 8000: Communication Studies Research Colloquium
COMM 8110: Seminar: Communication Research Methods
COMM 8210: Seminar: Selected Topics in U.S. Electronic Media
COMM 8403: Seminar: Emotion and Communication
COMM 8444: FTE: Doctoral
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research