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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in CSCL
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
CSCL 1001: Introduction to Cultural Studies
CSCL 1001W: Introduction to Cultural Studies
CSCL 1101: Literature
CSCL 1101W: Literature
CSCL 1201W: Cinema
CSCL 1202W: Media: Word, Image, Sound
CSCL 1301W: Reading Culture: Theory and Practice
CSCL 1401W: Reading Literature: Theory and Practice
CSCL 1501W: Reading History: Theory and Practice
CSCL 1911: Poetry and Social Change
CSCL 1912: Fake News
CSCL 1913W: Do We Live in a Fictional World?
CSCL 1914W: What is a Poem?
CSCL 1915: Representation in the Time of Pandemics: Culture and Politics from AIDS to COVID-19.
CSCL 1916: The Animal
CSCL 1919: Silent Cinema
CSCL 1922: Films Noir: History, Change, Sex, and Violence
CSCL 1924: Doing Race in Cinema
CSCL 3005: Seminar in Critical Thought
CSCL 3111W: Close Reading
CSCL 3115: Cinema and Ideology
CSCL 3117: Concepts of Literary Study
CSCL 3120: Poetry as Cultural Critique
CSCL 3122: Movements and Manifestos
CSCL 3130W: Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures and Theory: 1700 to the Present
CSCL 3141: Classics of World Literature
CSCL 3173W: The Rhetoric of Everyday Life
CSCL 3175: Comedy: Text and Theory
CSCL 3176: Oppositional Cinemas
CSCL 3177: On Television
CSCL 3210: Cinema and Ideology
CSCL 3211: Global & Transnational Cinemas
CSCL 3212W: Documentary Cinema: History and Politics
CSCL 3220W: Screen Cultures
CSCL 3221: On Television
CSCL 3231: Comedy: Media, Politics & Society
CSCL 3250: Music as Discourse
CSCL 3251: Popular Music and Mass Culture
CSCL 3310W: The Rhetoric of Everyday Life
CSCL 3311W: Theories of Culture
CSCL 3322: Visions of Nature: The Natural World and Political Thought
CSCL 3323: Science and Culture
CSCL 3334: Monsters, Robots, Cyborgs
CSCL 3335: Aliens: Science Fiction to Social Theory
CSCL 3350W: Sexuality and Culture
CSCL 3351W: The Body and the Politics of Representation
CSCL 3352W: Queer Aesthetics & Queer Critique
CSCL 3405: Marx for Today
CSCL 3412W: Psychoanalysis
CSCL 3425W: Critical Theory and Social Change
CSCL 3456W: Sexuality and Culture
CSCL 3458W: The Body and the Politics of Representation
CSCL 3461: Monsters, Robots, Cyborgs
CSCL 3465: Aliens
CSCL 5302: Aesthetics and the Valuation of Art
CSCL 5303: Sound Studies
CSCL 5305: Vision and Visuality: An Intellectual History
CSCL 5331: Discourse of the Novel
CSCL 5401: Origins of Cultural Studies
CSCL 5411: Avant-Garde Cinema
CSCL 5555: Introduction to Semiotics
CSCL 5910: Topics in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
CSCL 8002: Basic Research Seminar in Comparative Literature II
CSCL 8444: FTE: Doctoral
CSCL 8910: Advanced Topics in Comparative Literature
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Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research