Overall Classes in MBT
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
MBT 5200: Tax Accounting Methods I
MBT 5201: Tax Accounting Methods II
MBT 5220: Tax Research, Communication, and Practice
MBT 5223: Tax-exempt Organizations
MBT 5226: Negotiation Techniques in Taxation
MBT 5230: Corporate Taxation I
MBT 5323: Corporate Taxation II
MBT 5333: Tax Aspects of Consolidated Returns
MBT 5335: Taxation of the Small Business Corporation
MBT 5340: Taxation of Partners and Partnerships
MBT 5346: ASC 740 Computations and Analysis
MBT 5347: Tax Technology and Analytics Fundamentals
MBT 5348: Advanced ASC 740 Concepts
MBT 5350: Wealth Transfer I (Estates and Gifts)
MBT 5353: Income Taxation of Fiduciaries
MBT 5360: State and Local Taxation
MBT 5363: Compensation and Benefits
MBT 5370: Taxation of Property Transactions
MBT 5380: Tax Aspects of International Business I
MBT 5381: Tax Aspects of International Business II
MBT 5382: Transfer Pricing
MBT 5500: Business, Government, and Economic Tax Policy
MBT 6201: Tax Accounting Methods I
MBT 6221: Tax Research, Communication, and Practice
MBT 6226: Negotiation Techniques in Taxation
MBT 6231: Corporate Taxation I
MBT 6232: Corporate Taxation II
MBT 6333: Tax Aspects of Consolidated Returns
MBT 6335: Taxation of the Small Business Corporation
MBT 6341: Taxation of Partners and Partnerships
MBT 6346: ASC 740 Computations and Analysis
MBT 6351: Wealth Transfer I (Estates and Gifts)
MBT 6353: Income Taxation of Fiduciaries
MBT 6361: State and Local Taxation
MBT 6363: Compensation and Benefits
MBT 6371: Taxation of Property Transactions
MBT 6381: Tax Aspects of International Business I
MBT 6383: Transfer Pricing
MBT 6501: Business, Government, and Economic Tax Policy
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research