Overall Classes in CFAN
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
CFAN 1101: Dean's Engaged Leaders Seminar
CFAN 1102: President's Emerging Scholars Seminar
CFAN 1501: Biotechnology, People, and the Environment
CFAN 1902: Ways of Knowing and Science
CFAN 1911: Native American Ways of Knowing the Environment
CFAN 2096: Reflecting on Your Professional Experience
CFAN 2333: Insects, Microbes, and Plants: Ecology of Pest Management
CFAN 3001: Pests and Crop Protection
CFAN 3002: Transfer Student Seminar
CFAN 3096: Making the Most of your Professional Experience
CFAN 3201: Career and Internship Preparation
CFAN 3334: Parasites and Pestilence
CFAN 3422: Introduction to Sustainable Akumal
CFAN 3500: International Field Studies Seminar
CFAN 3502: Bahamas--Tropical Marine Biology and Shark Ecology
CFAN 3503: Switzerland--Mountain Agriculture
CFAN 3504: Vertebrate Research Design and Field Survey Techniques
CFAN 3507: Exploring Ecuador: People, Land, and Water from the Amazon to the Galapagos
CFAN 3516: Sustainable Food Systems of Italy
CFAN 3517: Shires, Shorthorns and Sheep: Exploring Livestock Systems in England
CFAN 3518: Environmental Issues in New Zealand
CFAN 3519: Bali: Water and Culture from Rainforests to Reefs
CFAN 3520: Germany: Leading the Renewables Revolution
CFAN 3522: Sustainable Akumal: Turtles, tourists, cenotes and coral reefs
CFAN 3523: Greek Agriculture and Gastronomy: A Taste of the Mediterranean
CFAN 3528: Exploring The New Nordic: Food Seasonality and Sustainability in Denmark and Sweden
CFAN 3529: From Rainforest to Reef: Wildlife Medicine and Conservation in Belize
CFAN 3532: Germany: Leading the Renewables Revolution
CFAN 3534: Climate Resilience in Agriculture: Exploring Diverse Regions and Empowering Youth in Morocco
CFAN 4096: Reflecting on Your Professional Experience
CFAN 8101: Professional Skills for Scientists
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Summer 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research