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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in ENGL
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
ENGL 1001W: Introduction to Literature: Poetry, Drama, Narrative
ENGL 1004: Banned Books
ENGL 1005: Reading Poetry
ENGL 1011: Laughter and Literature Through the Ages
ENGL 1031: Introduction to the Short Story
ENGL 1041: Adaptation: Literature into Film
ENGL 1051: Progress & Madness: Literature, Science & Technology
ENGL 1172: The Story of King Arthur
ENGL 1181W: Introduction to Shakespeare
ENGL 1201W: Contemporary American Literature
ENGL 1301W: Introduction to Multicultural Literatures of the United States
ENGL 1401W: Introduction to World Literatures in English
ENGL 1501W: Literature and Public Life
ENGL 1701: Modern Fiction
ENGL 1701H: Honors: Modern Fiction
ENGL 1912: America in Crisis
ENGL 1913W: I Don't Want to Grow Up--Coming of Age in Fiction
ENGL 1915: Poetry and Poetic Form
ENGL 1916: Wilde Nineties!
ENGL 1918: The Worlds We Have Made: Some of Us Are Already Living in a Dystopia/ After the Apocalypse
ENGL 1921: World Wars I, II, and III: A Cultural and Literary History
ENGL 1923: Very Short Poems
ENGL 1924: Reimagining the Past in Literature: Alternate Histories and the Politics of Historical Imagination
ENGL 1925: Stephen King's The Stand
ENGL 1927: All the Change You Cannot See
ENGL 1928: Imagining Environmental Futures
ENGL 3001V: Honors: Textual Analysis: Methods
ENGL 3001W: Textual Analysis: Methods
ENGL 3002: Modern Literary Criticism and Theory
ENGL 3003W: Historical Survey of British Literatures I
ENGL 3004W: Historical Survey of British Literatures II
ENGL 3005W: Survey of American Literatures and Cultures I
ENGL 3006V: Honors: Survey of American Literatures and Cultures II
ENGL 3006W: Survey of American Literatures and Cultures II
ENGL 3007: Shakespeare
ENGL 3007H: Honors: Shakespeare
ENGL 3011: Jewish American Literature: Religion, Culture, and the Immigrant Experience
ENGL 3013: The City in Literature
ENGL 3022: Science Fiction and Fantasy
ENGL 3023: Children's Literature
ENGL 3024: The Graphic Novel
ENGL 3025: The End of the World in Literature and History
ENGL 3026: Mediterranean Wanderings: Literature and History on the Borders of Three Continents
ENGL 3027W: The Essay
ENGL 3028: Paranoia and Pleasure: Contemporary American Spy Novels
ENGL 3040: Studies in Film
ENGL 3061: Literature and Music
ENGL 3071: The American Food Revolution in Literature and Television
ENGL 3072: Witchcraft, Possession, Magic: Concepts in the Atlantic Supernatural, 1500-1800
ENGL 3090: General Topics
ENGL 3091: The Literature and Film of Baseball
ENGL 3092: The Original Walking Dead: Misbehaving Dead Bodies in the 19th Century
ENGL 3093: Law and Literature
ENGL 3101: Knights and Pilgrims in Medieval Literature
ENGL 3102: Chaucer
ENGL 3114: Dreams and Dream Visions
ENGL 3132: Between Heaven and Hell: The King James Bible as Literature
ENGL 3141: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: Sex, Satire, and Sentiment
ENGL 3151: British Romantic Literature and Culture
ENGL 3161: Victorian Literatures and Cultures
ENGL 3181: Contemporary Literary Nonfiction
ENGL 3182: Irish Literature
ENGL 3212: American Poetry from 1900
ENGL 3221: American Novel to 1900
ENGL 3222: American Novel from 1900
ENGL 3301: Asian America through Arts and Culture
ENGL 3303W: Writing Differences: Literature by U.S. Women of Color
ENGL 3330: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Literature
ENGL 3331: LGBTQ Literature: Then and Now
ENGL 3332: Black Times: Afrofuturism, Afropessimism and the Future (Ends) of the World
ENGL 3350: Women Writers
ENGL 3352: Weird Books by Women and Gender-variant Writers
ENGL 3353: Jane Austen’s Afterlives
ENGL 3401W: Decolonial Literatures of the Americas
ENGL 3501: Public Discourse: Coming to Terms with the Environment
ENGL 3502: Nature Stories: Environmental Discourse in Action
ENGL 3505: Protest Literature and Community Action
ENGL 3506: Social Movements & Community Education
ENGL 3592W: Introduction to Black Women Writers in the United States
ENGL 3597W: Introduction to African American Literature and Culture I
ENGL 3598W: Introduction to African American Literature and Culture II
ENGL 3601: Analysis of the English Language
ENGL 3704: Introduction to Editing and Publishing
ENGL 3711: Literary Magazine Production Lab I
ENGL 3712: Literary Magazine Production Lab II
ENGL 3714: The Business of Publishing
ENGL 3741: Literacy and American Cultural Diversity
ENGL 3883V: Honors Thesis
ENGL 3885W: Capstone Seminar in English
ENGL 3960W: Capstone Seminar in English
ENGL 4003: History of Literary Theory
ENGL 4152: Nineteenth Century British Novel
ENGL 4232: American Drama by Writers of Color
ENGL 4233: Modern and Contemporary Drama
ENGL 4311: Asian American Literature and Drama
ENGL 4612: Old English I
ENGL 4711: Introduction to Editing and Publishing
ENGL 4722: Alphabet to Internet: History of Writing Technologies
ENGL 5001: Ph.D. Colloquium: Introduction to Literary Theory and Literary Studies in the Modern University
ENGL 5140: Readings in 18th Century Literature and Culture
ENGL 5150: Readings in 19th-Century Literature and Culture
ENGL 5300: Readings in American Minority Literature
ENGL 5800: Practicum in the Teaching of English
ENGL 8090: Seminar in Special Subjects
ENGL 8150: Seminar in Shakespeare
ENGL 8444: FTE: Doctoral
ENGL 8888: Thesis Credit: Doctoral
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research